Upload Image API
This API allows clients to upload an image to a pre-signed Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 URL.
A valid signed URL generated from GenerateUrl API.
The image file ready for upload.
Content Type: multipart/form-data
or appropriate content type based on the file.
URL: [Your pre-signed URL]
Header Parameters:
- Content-Type:
Type: String
Description: The content type of the file being uploaded (e.g., image/jpeg, image/png).
Input Parameters:
- file:
Type: File
Description: The image file to be uploaded.
Example :
curl --location --globoff --request PUT '{{genarated_url}}' \ --header 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' \ --data '@/Users/test/Downloads/1bcd3bb2-d712-4e11-b3a9-5eedc3e28955_09e800a6-ffd0-4282-9c71-034f68e0b164.jpg'
The response will on successful upload will not return any content, but HTTP status code will indicate success.
Status Codes
200: Success - File uploaded successfully.
4xx/5xx: Client/Server Errors.