Authentication API
The GetToken API is provided by Focalx and is called by the client’s backend system to obtain a Focalx token. This token must be passed back to the Focalx plugin to access the service. The token is valid for 2 hours.
- Secrete keys:
Type: String
Description: It will be provided by Focalx.
Content Type: application/json
Header Parameters:
- auth:
Type: AES-256 Encrypted JSON
Requirement: Mandatory
Description: Contains client key, client secret, and user email hash in the following format:
{ "client_key": "adbsk-sfghid77-fdfd", "client_secret": "sdsdsds-b696-dssd-b3sdsd7-fd1bdsds222521bc", "user_hash": "3f009d725ss9f51e7ess454b16e5d0sds687a1" }
AES-256 encrypted JSON containing a client key (string), client secret (string), and user email hash (MD5 hash). The client key, client secret, and encryption private key for encryption will be shared by Focalx.
- pubKey:
Type: String
Requirement: Mandatory
Description: Provided by Focalx
example (request):
curl --location 'https://{url}/?clientKey={provided by focalx}' \ --header 'auth: 7zqTet0zah83+ZH' \ --header 'pubKey: ssss==' \ --data ''
Response Parameters:
- token:
Type: Access Token
Description: The token provided to the client for accessing other APIs.
- expiry_time:
Type: Date Time
Description: The expiry time of the token.
example (responce):
{ "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1", "expiry_time": "5 days, 0:00:00" }
Status Codes
200: Success
401: Application Error with client key issue
402: Application Error with client secret issue
403: Application Error with public key issue
500: Server Error