Damage Report API
The Damage Report API is provided by Tenant and will be called by Focalx backend system to push damage reports to Tenant System asynchronously.
Content Type: application/json
Query Parameter:
Input Parameters:
- InspectionId:
Type: String
Description: Identifier of inspection in FocalX.
- Provider:
Type: String
Description: Customer ID (provided by Client).
- framenumber:
Type: String
Description: Framenumber (provided by Client).
- UserID:
Type: String
Description: ID of user in Focalx backend.
- StartTime:
Type: String
Description: Date-time of start of the inspection.
- EndTime:
Type: String
Description: Date-time when the inspection is finished.
- RegistrationNumber:
Type: String
Description: Vehicle plate number.
- Name:
Type: String
Description: User name.
- Email:
Type: String
Description: User email.
- Phone:
Type: String
Description: User phone number.
- Mileage:
Type: String
Description: Vehicle mileage.
- MileageImageFilename:
Type: String
Description: Guid of the picture with the mileage.
- OrientationResults:
Type: List of OrientationResultItem
Description: List of beauty shots of the car.
- vehicleData:
Type: VehicleItem
Description: Dictionary of vehicle data.
- metaData:
Type: String
Description: JSON data in string format received from client.
OrientationResultItem Details:
- Orientation:
Type: String
Description: Car Position.
- ImageFileName:
Type: String
Description: Guid of the picture.
- ImageFileURL:
Type: String
Description: Signed Original image URL.
- ImageFileDrawURL:
Type: String
Description: Signed URL for draw picture.
- ColorType:
Type: String
Description: Color of the car in string format.
- Luminous:
Type: String
Description: String with options like clear-image, blur-image, dark-image, night-image.
- ImageCharacteristic:
Type: String
Description: String with options like car, partial-car, dirty-car, rainy-car, snow-car, dark-light.
- ImageView:
Type: String
Description: String with options like complete-image, obstructing-view, incomplete-image, door-open.
- Damages:
Type: List of DamageItem
Description: List of damages.
DamageItem Details:
- DamageNumber:
Type: String
Description: Identifier of the damage.
- MarkerPoint:
Type: String
Description: Damage coordinates.
- ZoneId:
Type: String
Description: Code of the part of the car damaged.
- PartId:
Type: String
Description: Damage part code.
- PartName:
Type: String
Description: Part name in string format in slug.
- DamageCategoryID:
Type: String
Description: Client damage category code.
- DamageCategoryName:
Type: String
Description: Category of Damage (e.g., K1, K2, K3, K4, K5).
- DamageTypeCode:
Type: String
Description: Client damage type code.
- DamageTypeName:
Type: String
Description: Damage names like scratch, tear, dent.
- OtherDamageImages:
Type: List of Strings
Description: Array of Guids of picture files with the damage.
- RepairMethodCode:
Type: String
- Description: Repair method ID. The details are:
1: you can clean the car at home 2: you can fix it home 3: Minor professional work needed 4: Professional work needed 5: Part replacement needed
- CloseUpImageFilename:
Type: String
Description: Guid of the picture file with the damage.
- CloseUpImageFileURL:
Type: String
Description: Signed URL for downloading this close-up image.
VehicleItem Details:
- make:
Type: String
Description: Car make.
- model:
Type: String
Description: Model of the car.
- mileage:
Type: String
Description: Mileage of the car.
- carTotalWeight:
Type: Integer
Description: Total weight of the car.
- bodyType:
Type: String
Description: Body type of the car.
- engineType:
Type: String
Description: Engine type of the car.
- vin:
Type: String
Description: Vehicle Identification Number of the car.
- registerNumber:
Type: String
Description: Registration number of the car.
- technicalWeight:
Type: Integer
Description: Technical weight of the car.
- motorKilometerPerLiter:
Type: Integer
Description: Mileage of the car in kilometers per liter.
- variant:
Type: String
Description: Variant of the car.
Example (request):
{ "InspectionId": "72e18833-bbc7-48a4-af5a-f25402e7de12", "ProcessId": "M6S5HFQ82CSY", "Provider": "264", "FrameNumber": "264", "UserID": "", "StartTime": "2023-12-14 05:19:40.068629+00:00", "EndTime": "2023-12-14 22:07:01.033311+00:00", "RegistrationNumber": "CTFG18", "Name": "", "Email": "", "Phone": "", "Mileage": "12345", "MileageImageFilename": "72e18833-bbc7-48a4-af5a-f25402e7de12", "OrientationResults": [ { "Orientation": "1", "Manual": "False", "ImagePositionMasterName": "front", "OrientationName": "front", "ImageFileName": "547f36c4-f1e0-4b9a-81f6-506d90ac707e", "ImageFileURL": "547f36c4-f1e0-4b9a-81f6-506d90ac707e", "ImageFileDrawURL": "547f36c4-f1e0-4b9a-81f6-506d90ac707e", "Luminous": "clear-image", // Other options are, blur-image,dark-image,night-image "ImageCharacteristic": ["car"], // Other options are, partial-car,dirty-car,rainy-car,snow-car,dark-light "ImageView": [ "complete-image"], // Other options are, obstructing-view,incomplete-image,door-open "ColorType": "Grey", "Damages": [ { "DamageNumber": "38dc46e2-b98c-410e-b5e6-e3cbe084536d", "MarkerPoint": "[472.3683782104364, 476.0058620769277, 488.5853111017721, 494.97661376113183]", "ZoneId": "BB21", "PartId": "bumper", "PartName": "bumper", "DamageCategoryID": "1", "DamageCategoryName": "K4", "DamageTypeCode": "6", "DamageTypeName": "scratch", "OtherDamageImages": "['url1', 'url2']", "RepairMethodCode": "4", "CloseUpImageFilename": "38dc46e2-b98c-410e-b5e6-e3cbe084536d.jpg", "CloseUpImageFileURL": "image_url" } ] } ], "vehicleData": { "Make": "HYUNDAI", "Model": "SANTAFE", "Mileage": "12345", "CarTotalWeight": "None", "BodyType": "SUV", "BodySize": "medium", "Segment": "None", "EngineType": "None", "Vin": "P22EAD52NDVJCJHWFSFF", "RegisterNumber": "CTFG18", "TechnicalWeight": "None", "MotorKilometerPerLiter": "None", "Variant": "None" } }
Response Parameters:
- Inspection Id:
Type: String
Description: [Description of the response parameter].
Status Codes
2xx: Success
400: Application Error with response error
401: Application key error
5xx: Server Error
Response Error (when status code is 400)
- error:
Type: String
Description: This will provide a JSON error indicating that parameters are missing or incorrect.
{ "error": "Missing vehicle data item", }