CreateInspection API
The CreateInspection API is provided by Focalx and can be called by the client’s backend system or frontend to create an inspection.
A valid token is required to call this API.
Content Type: multipart/form-data
Header Parameters:
- Authorization:
Type: Bearer Token
Description: Client must send the token received from the previous API.
- Content-Type:
Type: multipart/form-data
Description: The request should be of form data type.
Input Parameters:
- provider:
Type: String
Description: Customer ID (provided by Client).
- frame_number:
Type: String
Description: Customer Frame number (provided by Client).
- userid:
Type: String
Description: ID of user in Focalx backend.
- registration number:
Type: String
Description: Vehicle plate number.
- name:
Type: String
Description: User name.
- email:
Type: String
Description: User email.
- phone:
Type: String
Description: User phone number.
- mileage:
Type: String
Description: Vehicle mileage.
- meta_data:
Type: String
Description: JSON data in string format received from client.
- make:
Type: String
Description: Car manufacturer.
- model:
Type: String
Description: Car model.
- color:
Type: String
Description: Color of the car.
- body_type:
Type: String
Available Types:
Car body type.It should select from only Available types specified above.
curl --location '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJK' \ --form 'make="austrianwfgw"' \ --form 'model="megawala"' \ --form 'year="2023"' \ --form 'registration_number="BB20972hjjhjh"' \ --form 'mileage="12345"' \ --form 'vin="5LGX6PBB6K6KLI854SOM"' \ --form 'body_type="suv"' \ --form 'color="yellowblack"' \ --form 'energy_type="petrol"' \ --form 'process_id="8H4PKG7XAX18"' \ --form 'platform="IOS"' \ --form 'body_size="medium"' \ --form 'meta_data="\"\""' \ --form 'current_time_zone="GMT2"'
Response Parameters:
- inspection:
Type: Inspection Object
Description: Contains the inspection results with inspection ID.
- car:
Type: Car Object
Description: Car information.
- car_master:
Type: Car Master Object
Description: Car properties.
Inspection Object Details:
- id:
Type: String
Description: Inspection ID.
- latitude:
Type: String
Description: Latitude where the inspection took place.
- longitude:
Type: String
Description: Longitude where the inspection took place.
- process_id:
Type: String
Description: Process ID related to the client’s data.
- platform:
Type: String
Description: Platform from which images were generated.
- thumbnail_url_public:
Type: String
Description: Public URL of the inspection thumbnail.
- is_user_approved:
Type: Boolean
Description: Indicates whether the user has approved the inspection.
- name:
Type: String
Description: Client’s name.
- phone_number:
Type: String
Description: Client’s phone number.
- email:
Type: String
Description: Client’s email address.
- meta_data:
Type: String
Description: JSON string containing metadata sent by the client.
Car Object Details:
- vin:
Type: String
Description: Vehicle Identification Number.
- registration_number:
Type: String
Description: Vehicle’s registration number.
- color:
Type: String
Description: Color of the vehicle.
Car Master Object Details:
- make:
Type: String
Description: Manufacturer of the car.
- model:
Type: String
Description: Model of the car.
- year:
Type: String
Description: Manufacturing year of the car.
Example (responce):
{ "inspection": { "id": "ea90225d-4ab1-4376-ba1a-68826835f246", "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "mileage": 12345.0, "process_id": "EEMUX2AI77W3", "platform": "IOS", "thumbnail_url_public": "", "is_user_approved": false, "is_pdf_ready": false, "pdf_url_public": null, "name": null, "phone_number": null, "email": null, "is_report_submitted": false, "meta_data": "\"\"", "is_active": true, "created_on": "2024-01-17T09:35:52.896778Z", "updated_on": "2024-01-17T09:35:52.896806Z", "car_item": "1b4c90d8-74d2-4789-a22e-c12ae9508814", "created_by": "69abc05c-ebab-4e1a-bc0f-f5c103bf0f3f", "updated_by": "69abc05c-ebab-4e1a-bc0f-f5c103bf0f3f" }, "car": { "id": "1b4c90d8-74d2-4789-a22e-c12ae9508814", "vin": "JK9EDR84UREDJA1MU92H", "registration_number": "BB20972hjjhjh", "first_registration_year": 0, "color": "yellowblack", "is_active": true, "created_on": "2024-01-17T09:35:52.885482Z", "updated_on": "2024-01-17T09:35:52.885513Z", "car_master_item": "44e8f815-22f3-45e4-ae34-8a057a8b6614", "created_by": "69abc05c-ebab-4e1a-bc0f-f5c103bf0f3f", "updated_by": "69abc05c-ebab-4e1a-bc0f-f5c103bf0f3f" }, "car_master": { "id": "44e8f815-22f3-45e4-ae34-8a057a8b6614", "make": "austrianwfgw", "model": "megawala", "year": 2023, "body_size": null, "segment": null, "length": null, "width": null, "height": null, "max_length": null, "max_width": null, "max_height": null, "is_active": true, "created_on": "2023-06-02T09:54:05.504903Z", "updated_on": "2023-06-02T09:54:05.504934Z", "body_type_master_item": { "name": "SUV", "slug": "suv" } }, "inspection_stats": { "id": 3, "active_images": 0, "inactive_images": 0, "close_shot_images": 0, "beauty_shot_images": 0, "internal_images": 0, "custom_images": 0, "external_processable_images": 0, "external_unprocessable_images": 0, "processed_images": 0, "offside_damages": 0, "manually_added_accepted_damages": 0, "manually_added_rejected_damages": 0, "ai_detected_accepted_damages": 0, "ai_detected_rejected_damages": 0, "total_damages": 0, "damages_accuracy": "0.00", "damages_precision": "0.00", "damages_recall": "0.00", "average_inference_time": "00:00:00", "total_inference_time": "00:00:00", "total_inspection_time": "00:00:00", "is_active": true, "created_on": "2024-01-17T09:35:52.906973Z", "updated_on": "2024-01-17T09:35:52.906998Z", "inspection_item": "ea90225d-4ab1-4376-ba1a-68826835f246" } }
Status Codes
2xx: Success
400: Application Error with parameter issue
401: Unauthorized error
500: Server Error
Response Error (when status code is 400)
- error:
Type: String
Description: This will provide a JSON error indicating that parameters are missing or incorrect