Web SDK Documentation

This section covers the integration of the Focalx Web SDK/plugin.

Integration via Manual Download

  • Downloading the Package: - The package is available on the npm repository and can be downloaded from:


  • Adding the Package: - Include the following line in your package.json file:

    "focalxaiinspection": "^0.1.0",
  • API Token Generation:
    • Before showing the FocalX.ai damage guide, generate a token and supply it to the SDK.

    • Refer to the API documentation for token generation: Authentication API.

Integration Process with Package Manager

  • Expected Parameters:
    • The SDK expects the following parameters:

    const carData = {
                token: accessToken, //Mandatory
                numberPlate: "Number Plate", //Mandatory
                carBodyType: "suv",  //optional
                vin: "3742394ADCS", //optional
                make: "Make", //optional
                model: "Model", //optional
                year: "1919", //optional
                mileage: "12121222", //optional
                reg_number: "BB423", //optional
                user_hash: "sjkf12324", //optional
                customer_num: "erio32133", //optional
                frame_num: "343", //optional
                process_id: "133", //optional
                meta_data: "Dictionary Data", //optional
                baseUrl: baseUrl, //Mandatory
                call_back_url: "https://www.zoomcar.com?success=true&inspectionID=someInspectiondID&registrationNumber=BB2092&error=nil" //Mandatory
  • Parameters Description:

    • token: Token that you get from focalx backend, its mandaotry to pass.

    • numberPlate: Number plate of the car its mandatory to pass.

    • baseUrl: Based on this url developer can change the environment of the SDK.Developer will get this from focalx

    • call_back_url: This is the callback url that SDK will call once user finishes the inspection

Usage of Web SDK

  • Importing and Configuring the SDK:

    • Import FocalxAI from ‘focalxaiinspection’ and set up the carData object as shown in the example.

      import FocalxAI from 'focalxaiinspection';
      const carData = {
          numberPlate: "Number Plate",
          carBodyType: "suv",
          vin: "3742394ADCS",
          make: "Make",
          model: "Model",
          year: "1919",
          mileage: "12121222",
          token: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZXhwIjoxNjgzOTY0NzkxLCJqdGkiOiI0NTIzZmI2NDg2OGY0ZDA0YTU1ZmY0MjBmODI2NDk3ZiIsInVzZXJfaWQiOjV9.ZbhE-w6Ca6jCb4bTZ-dHgVsznktKepbWVwRLQDtjkQk",
          reg_number: "BB423",
          user_hash: "sjkf12324",
          customer_num: "erio32133",
          frame_num: "343",
          process_id: "133",
          meta_data: "Dictionary Data",
          baseUrl: "preprod.backend.focalx.tk",
          call_back_url: "https://www.zoomcar.com/in/mumbai"
      sessionStorage.setItem("carInformation", JSON.stringify(carData));
      function App() {
      return (
          <div className="App">
          <FocalxAI />
      export default App;