Native Swift SDK Integration

This guide outlines the steps for integrating the Focalx Swift SDK into your native iOS applications.


  • Focalx library:
    • It will be provided by Focalx.

    • supports os versions from iOS 10 and above!

Downloading and Adding the SDK

  1. Download the SDK:
    • Follow the below link to download the SDK compatible with Swift 5.2 or above: [Download Link](#).

  2. Add the SDK to Your Project:
    • Unzip the file and drag the FocalxSDK.xcframework directory to the “Frameworks” section in your Xcode project tree.

Configuring the Xcode Project

  1. Select Your Project:
    • In your Xcode project, select your application project in the Project Navigator (blue project icon) to navigate to the target configuration window.

    • Select the application target under the “Targets” heading in the sidebar.

  2. Add the Framework:
    • In the General panel tab, click on the “+” button under the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section.

    • Find FocalxSDK.xcframework nested inside the “Frameworks” section.

    • Select FocalxSDK.xcframework, click “Add”, and ensure you select the “Embed & Sign” option.

Implementing the SDK in Your App

  • Include the SDK:
    • In your app, wherever you want to present the damage detection model, include the SDK.

    • For Objective-C: @import FocalxSDK;

    • For Swift: import FocalxSDK

  • API Token Generation:
    • Before showing the damage guide, create a token and supply it to the SDK.

    • Refer to the API documentation for creating a token: Authentication API.

  • Integration Example:

    • For Objective-C and Swift, follow the provided code examples to integrate the SDK functionality.

    // Objective-C Example Code Here
     NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                    "token":"SDK token got from backend",
                    "meta_data":"Dictionary Data",
    // only token  parameter is Mandatory in above dictionary
    [FocalxSDK showDamageGuideWithParams:self, parameters:dictionary];
    // App (Self object) can implement the call back Delegate / protocol with class name  FocalxcallBackResult, which has following methods.
    - (void)dismissFocalx;   // this method gets invoked, when ever user comes out of the SDK without completing the  inspection.
    - (void)inspectionCompletedWithInspectionID:(NSString *)inspectionID regNumber:(NSString *)regNumber  error:(NSString *)error; // this method gets invoked, when ever user comes out of the SDK after completing the inspection.
    -   **Note**
        self here is the current controller  from where you want to  present DamageGuide
    // Swift Example Code Here
    let dictionary = ["token":"SDK token got from backend","reg_number":BB423,"vin":3742394ADCS,"mileage":122323,"user_hash":"sjkf12324","customer_num":"erio32133","frame_num":343,meta_data:"Dictionary Data","custom_images":true,"front_image":true, "front_right_image":true]
    FocalxSDK.showDamageGuideWithParams(caller: self, parameters: dictionary)
    // App (Self object) can implement the call back Delegate/protocol with class name
    //Has following methods.
    func dismissFocalx()  // this method gets invoked, when ever user comes out of the SDK without completing the  inspection.
    func inspectionCompleted(inspectionID: String,reg_number:String,error:String) //  this method gets invoked, when ever user comes out of the SDK after completing the inspection.
    // When you send the custom_images as false you dont need to specify other images that you want to take it will automatically take all 16 images
    // When custom_images is true, we need to pass the image positions that you want user to take
    // Following Custom image parameters you can send when you want to customized which pics user should take
    let front_image = true
    let front_right_image = true
    let right_front_image = true
    let right_rear_image = true
    let rear_right_image = true
    let rear_image = true
    let rear_left_image = true
    let left_rear_image = true
    let left_front_image = true
    let front_left_image = true
    let dashboard_image = true
    let driver_seat_image = true
    let front_passenger_image = true
    let right_rear_passenger_image = true
    let left_rear_passenger_image = true
    let trunck_image = true
  • Custom Image Parameters:
    • When custom_images is set to false, all 16 images will be automatically taken.

    • If true, you need to specify which images the user should take.

  • App Transport Security (ATS):
    • NSAllowsArbitraryLoads: This Boolean value is used to disable ATS for domains not listed in NSExceptionDomains.

Remember to follow best practices for secure network connections in your app.